Contact us
Please contact our Lido Altanea branch if you would like information about apartment and holiday home rentals or sales of tourist properties. We are here every day from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm and from 3.00 pm to 6.30 pm (on winter) and from 3.30 pm to 7.30 pm (on summer).
Elenco sedi
- 30021 Caorle Lido Altanea VE - Viale dei Gabbiani 20
- Fax: +39.0421.299680
- Driving directions
Elenco sedi
- 30021 Caorle Lido Altanea VE - Viale dei Gabbiani 7/14
- Fax: +39.0421.299706
- (open only in summer)
- Driving directions
Elenco sedi
- 30021 Caorle Lido Altanea VE - Viale dei Gabbiani 21
- Fax: +39.0421.299580
- (open only in summer)
- Driving directions
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